If the local council is arranging your care home, they'll do a means test to decide how much you should pay towards it, and they may take into account the value of your home. A means test is a financial assessment where the local council calculates how much you need to pay towards the cost of your care.
The means test will look at your capital and income, such as your savings, property, investments, pensions and any benefits you’re eligible for (even if you’re not claiming them). Certain types of income and capital are ignored in the means test. For example, certain types of benefits, such as the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment, cannot be counted.
If your capital is above £23,250 you’re likely to have to pay your care fees in full. If your capital is under £23,250 you might get some help from the local authority, but you may still need to pay a contribution to the fees.